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Pashmina Scarf Majestic - Brown gray, Green, Black gray
Pashmina Scarf Majestic - Brown gray, Green, Black gray Pashmina Scarf Majestic - Brown gray, Green, Black gray Pashmina Scarf Majestic - Brown gray, Green, Black gray Pashmina Scarf Majestic - Brown gray, Green, Black gray
Material: Pashmina
Length: 70 x 200 cm
Item in stock
Online price: od 289,90€
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Majestic Pashmina scarf size 70 x 200 cm with a particularly careful selection of pashmina wool and weaving that gives the scarf a unique look. Several colors to choose from:
1) Green (light);
2) Gray;
3) Black brown.
Check out 10 ways to wear a scarf. Pashmina is actually the finest, softest and warmest wool of Himalayan goats (Chyangra), which live at an altitude of around 4500 m and where winter temperatures reach up to -40° C. It is hand-combed from the neck and chest area and hand-knitted, with fibers thinner than 15 microns. Five reasons why a scarf made of real PASHMINA is a unique gift: Warmest in winter, cool in summer; Natural and healthy; Divine to the touch; Fireproof and Suitable for all ages. We recommend washing in cold water, without any cleaning agents, softeners or bleaching agents or dry cleaning.

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