Aries :: 21/03 - 20/04 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: diamond, saphire, quartz crystal, ruby, amethyst, hematite, calcedony, jasper, rodochrosite. |
Taurus :: 21/04 - 20/05 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: saphire, turquise, emerald, rose quartz, pyrite, amazonite, calcedony, sodalite. |
Gemini :: 21/05 - 20/06 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: agate, lemon quartz, tiger's eye, chrisoprase, moonstone, onix, rutile. |
Cancer :: 21/06 - 20/07 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: emerald, moonstone, quartz crystal, diamant, tiger's eye, pearl, aventurine, carnelian, chrisoprase, falcon's eye. |
Leo :: 21/07 - 21/08 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: ruby, tourmaline, rose quartz, topaz, amber, jasper, peridote, garnet. |
Virgo :: 22/08 - 22/09 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: emerald, moonstone, magnetite, beryl, jade, carnelian, labradorite, onix, rutile, amber, marcasite. |
Libra :: 23/09 - 22/10 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: opal, diamond, emerald, saphire, topaz, smoky quartz, tourmaline, jade, lapis lazuli, coral, sodalite. |
Scorpio :: 23/10 - 22/11 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: opal, aquamarine, ruby, amethyst, beryl, calcedony, chrisoprase, malachite, garnet. |
Sagittarius :: 23/11 - 20/12 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: topaz, rose quartz, zirconium, saphire, amethyst, turquise, rodonite, zoisite. |
Capricorn :: 21/12 - 19/01 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: malachite, amethyst, ruby, quartz crystal, smoky crystal, onix, lapis lazuli, hematite, obsidian. |
Aquarius :: 20/01 - 18/02 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: lemon quartz, aquamarine, saphire, opal, amethyst, aventurine, jade, agate, jasper, garnet, obsidian, tourmaline. |
Pisces :: 19/02 - 20/03 Suggested stones for the zodiac sign: amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, saphire, moonstone, sugelite, hematite, fluorite, jade, marcasite. |