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Pashmina Scarf DREAMS

Pashmina Scarf DREAMS
Pashmina Scarf DREAMS Pashmina Scarf DREAMS Pashmina Scarf DREAMS
Length: 70 x 200 cm
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Online price: od 178,90€
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Pashmina Scarf DREAMS from the Four Seasons collection. Watercolor painting in blue and green shades definitely enhances the feeling of gentle softness and elegance in a unique scarf. Scarf dimensions 70 x 200 cm. Pashmina is known as soft gold or diamond among all natural fibers. The word comes from the Old Persian word "Pashm" and means the best and finest wool. Not long ago, PASMINA was only the privilege of rulers and the powerful. Pashmina is actually the finest, softest and warmest wool of Himalayan Chyangra goats, who live at an altitude of around 4500 m and where winter temperatures reach up to -40° C. It is hand-combed from the neck and chest area and hand-knitted, and the fibers are thinner than 15 microns. The scarf is made in Kashmir, India

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