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Water Bottle with Crystal Black Obsidian

Water Bottle with Crystal Black Obsidian
Water Bottle with Crystal Black Obsidian Water Bottle with Crystal Black Obsidian Water Bottle with Crystal Black Obsidian
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Water Bottle with Black Obsidian for aqueous Elixir

Amethyst is a crystal for calming and creating serenity in life. It is prized for its ability to help create balance, patience and inner peace by calming one's emotions. Crystalm size 25 x 75 mm.

It integrates the healing energy of crystals through the water in your body - it works on molecular and vibrational levels:

  • The properties of the crystals are transferred to the water, the water is energetically charged,
  • It has the power to stimulate and calm our minds and emotions.

Crystal bottles for water elixir improve spiritual well-being.

  • It creates a positive state of mind and a meaningful life,
  • It also has a positive effect on our physical health,
  • It promotes calmness and our well-being, as the elixir combines the healing properties of water and crystals,
  • This magical tandem creates an effective tool to improve our lives.

Why so different?
Unlike plastic bottles or ordinary water bottles, the Water Elixir Crystal Bottle is made of natural materials - its lifespan is much longer than ordinary bottles and jars.
Extremely versatile

  • The bottles are suitable for everyday use as well as for use during recreation,
  • At home, place it next to the bed or on a table. You can take it with you for a walk, to work or on a trip,
  • The bottle has a neoprene protective cover that protects against shocks and a handle for carrying on a belt or backpack.


  • Crystal bottles for aqueous elixir are completely natural and safe for water,
  • Washing is also easy in the dishwasher because it does not contain glue, plastic or other toxic substances, only quality boroslik glass and stainless steel (stainless steel),
  • The healing crystal is natural & carefully selected,it is carefully attached to the bottom of the bottle with a holder.

Size and properties:

  • 70 x 250 mm, max. content up to 650 ml / 0.65 l of water or other liquid,
  • weight 460 g / 0.46 kg,
  • quality borosilicate glass withstands higher temperatures and is lighter than ordinary glass,
  • dishwasher safe.

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