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Victorian Ring with Diamonds BLACK PANTHER
Material: Silver + Gold
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Online price: od 399,90€
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Victorian Ring with Diamonds BLACK PANTHER has 40 Diamonds (Diameter: 1.2 mm, total: 0.80 Ct) around the perimeter. It is produced in a special Victorian technique where the inner circumference of the ring is made of gold (14 K). The outer circumference, where the diamonds are inserted, is made of Silver, which creates a strong contrast between the dark Silver base and the light shades of Diamonds. It can form a set with earrings .

This Ring is unique, exclusive and can not be accurately imitated. If you are fascinated by it, make sure you do not miss out on it. There is nothing more enchanting than a truly unique piece of jewelry.

The Victorian Era in Fashion and Jewellrey comprises the second two thirds of the 19th century (1837-1901). It began with the crowning of the Queen Victoria in 1837 and is divided into three periods: the Romantic period, the High period (the time of mourning) and the Late or. Aesthetic period.
This was generally a time of great discoveries, an era of peace and prosperity and the industrial revolution. But above all it was a time of great romance, for the marriage of Queen Victoria with Prince Albert became an archetype of love.
A lack of gold in the Romantic period resulted in the development of many new techniques, such as filigree, gliding (galvanization), etc.) which were aimed at using the minimum amount of precious metals while creating an impression of grandiosity, splendor, massiveness and light. The Jewellery was richly decorated with precious and semi precious stones. In addition to Diamonds, Amethyst, Topaz, Citrine, Aquamarine, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald were also common.
The motifs were diverse (flowers, blossoms, butterflies, stones, dragons, snakes, hunting, mythology etc.).
With the Queen being crowned as the Queen of India and the Agreement on Trade with Japan being signed, the Kingdom expanded greatly not only in size but also in terms of cultural influences. Indian Mughal Era and many techniques of the Japanese have strongly influenced the Jewellery-making.

The ring is curently not in stock, but it is available in all sizes. Delivery time is 4 to 6 weeks.

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