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Ruby Zoisite
Ruby Zoisite Ruby Zoisite
Stone: Ruby
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Regular price 68,90€. Save 24,10 € (35 %)
Online price: 44,80€
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Ruby, natural crystal with zoisite size 65 x 48 x 34 mm, weight 167 g. Large ruby ​​crystal on the first side (1st picture) and zoisite zebra stripes on the back - 2nd picture, origin Tanzania.
The unique ruby ​​zoisite, also known as anyolite, is a vibrant combination of green and red colors that combine their power. It strengthens positive energy and is known as a stone of happiness, passion, love and strength.
It also promotes better blood circulation and distributes the positive energy of the stone throughout the body. Regulates menstrual flow and reduces pain.



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