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Pearl Necklace BELLE PEARL Akoya 8,5 mm

Pearl Necklace BELLE PEARL Akoya 8,5 mm
Pearl Necklace BELLE PEARL Akoya 8,5 mm Pearl Necklace BELLE PEARL Akoya 8,5 mm Pearl Necklace BELLE PEARL Akoya 8,5 mm
The size of pearl: 8.5 mm
Type of pearl: Akoya Seawater Pearls
Length: 50 cm
Item in stock
Online price: od 807,00€
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BELLE PEARL Necklace made of Akoya Sea  Pearls is a classic elegance and timeless beauty made of carefully selected pearls that have grown in shells for many years. Each pearl is unique in its shape, size and luster. Pearls have always been a symbol of femininity and well-being. The necklace is knotted and finished with a Gold safety Clasp - Yellow & White Gold 14 K (585/1000) 9 mm. Pearl size 8.5 - 9 mm, AA quality, white color with a slight Pink lustre, no visible surface irregularities. Length 48 - 50 cm, weight 45 g.

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