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ATLANTIS Ring - Men's Size
ATLANTIS Ring - Men's Size ATLANTIS Ring - Men's Size ATLANTIS Ring - Men's Size
Material: 925 Silver
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Online price: od 52,90€
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The Atlantean Ring is made according to plans from ancient Egypt. The shape of this ring with three lines, six pyramids and two equilateral triangles, which is an esoteric shape with significant effects, emits special microwaves, i.e. radiation of forms. So it is not about some talisman or fetish, but about the discovery of the fantastic functions of microwave physics, with which dowsing is concerned. It has three main functions: Protection - In many years of study, the Atlantean ring with its energy form has shown itself to be a powerful receiver of cosmic energy, which is an excellent protection against negative radiation of any origin, even in car accidents, as many testimonies show. It also protects us from maliciousness, aggression and curses.
Healing - The ring does not heal directly, but only restores blocked energy flows. Researchers have achieved interesting results in neurovegetative disorders and blood circulation. The ring alleviates injuries and organic disorders, restores functions that have been disturbed and eliminates pain. The effect of the ring depends on the function that individual fingers have in relation to certain bodily functions and organs: Thumb: respiratory organs; Indicator: nervous system, vitality; Middle: bones; Ring: genitals, heart, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, intestines; Little finger: blood circulation Intuition - If we wear the Atlantean ring, our intuition, perception and telepathic abilities are increased, with which the Egyptian priests communicated with each other. Great perspectives of mental openness open up to us. It is effective in a wide variety of parapsychological phenomena and techniques that were unknown even to the Egyptians as heirs of Atlantis.
CLEANING THE RING - For energy cleaning, use a rock crystal (can also be a pyramid) - put the ring on the crystal and leave it overnight to clean and refresh. The mechanical ring is normally cleaned like other jewelry with a cloth for silver jewelry or e.g. with a "magic" household cloth. If you need help choosing a size, call 01/436 25 47 and we will be happy to help you. The Atlantean ring for women or men are exactly the same in form and function. The difference is only in size (scope).

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